Chinese Military Communications Satellite blasts off atop Long March 3B Rocket

A Chinese Long March 3B rocket blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 16:46 UTC on Wednesday, carrying a military communications satellite to Geostationary Transfer Orbit. Keeping up the pace in orbital launches towards the end of the year, this marks the sixth flight of the heavy-lift Long March 3B and the 13th mission of the Long March fleet in the last three months.

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Russia’s Kanopus ST Satellite meets its End in fiery Re-Entry after failed Launch

Russia’s Kanopus ST ocean surveillance satellite met its untimely end over the Atlantic Ocean in the early hours on Tuesday, re-entering the atmosphere along with its Volga upper stage from which the satellite failed to separate after launch. Orbital data released in the overnight hours showed that a piece of debris detached from the spacecraft and re-entered about an hour prior to the parent object.

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Proton Rocket rolls to Launch Pad to lift Military Communications Satellite

A Russian Proton-M rocket has been rolled to the launch pad on Sunday in preparation for the launch of the second Garpun military communications satellite. Liftoff from Site 81/24 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome is planned for 0:17 UTC on December 10.

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NOAA 16 Satellite Breakup leaves Dozens of Debris in Orbit

The in-orbit break-up of the NOAA 16 weather satellite left a cloud of dozens of debris in orbit, data released by the Joint Space Operations Center indicates. The debris event was detected on November 25 when ground-based radars sensed a number of debris in the vicinity of the NOAA 16 satellite that had been retired since 2014.

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NK-33 Engine set for first Flight after Antares Failure – Soyuz 2-1v Launch re-aligned for Saturday

A Russian Soyuz 2-1v rocket is set for liftoff from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome on Saturday after its launch was delayed on Friday due to technical issues with the payload. Hidden under the payload fairing of the Soyuz rocket is the Kanopus ST ocean and weather research satellite that is to become a part of the Kanopus program serving a dual role under military and civilian operation.

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Chinese Surprise Launch – Long March 4C lifts Yaogan 29 Recon Satellite to Orbit

China conducted a surprise launch on Thursday, lifting the Yaogan-29 reconnaissance satellite into orbit. According to official Chinese media, the Long March 4C rocket carrying the satellite blasted off from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center at 5:24 a.m. local time on Friday, 21:24 UTC on Thursday.

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Long March 3B lofts LaoSat-1 into good Geostationary Transfer Orbit

China’s Long March 3B rocket delivered Laos’ first Geostationary Communications Satellite to a good Geostationary Transfer Orbit, enabling the spacecraft to begin its climb to GEO for a rapid commissioning phase to be able to begin service in early December.

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Russia’s 1st EKS Missile Warning Satellite enters surprising Orbit

Russia’s first EKS Missile Early Warning satellite launched on Tuesday reached a surprising orbit, as evident in tracking data published in the overnight hours. Instead of entering the synonymous Tundra orbit, the Soyuz 2-1B/Fregat-M launch vehicle delivered the ‘Tundra’ spacecraft to a standard Molniya orbit.

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Russia’s Soyuz Rocket successfully launches Tundra Missile Warning Satellite

A Russian Soyuz 2-1B rocket blasted off from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome at 6:34 UTC on Tuesday, carrying into orbit the first Tundra EKS Missile Early Warning Satellite, marking the start of the closure of a critical gap in Russia’s early detection system for incoming ballistic missiles.

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