Glonass Navigation Constellation Replenishment Mission reaches target Orbit

Russia became the third country to send a navigation satellite into orbit this week when a Soyuz rocket blasted off from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome at 0:21 UTC on Sunday on a critical mission to replenish Russia’s Glonass Satellite Navigation Constellation.

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Glonass Satellite blasts off atop Soyuz Rocket to replenish Russian Navigation Constellation

Russia’s Soyuz rocket thundered into the night skies over the country’s prime military launch site Saturday night, lifting off with a Glonass-M navigation satellite to replenish the Glonass satellite constellation in orbit 19,000 Kilometers above Earth.

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Re-Entry of Chinese Rocket Stage seen over Hawaii

Truly spectacular photos of a re-entering rocket stage were captured on Saturday by astrophotographer Steve Cullen who happened to stop at just the right time to capture nightscape panoramas at Mauna Kea, Hawaii showing the blazing demise of a Long March 3B upper stage.

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Photos: All Orbital Launches of 2015

The year 2015 saw 87 orbital launch attempts from spaceports across the globe – 84 missions reached orbit in a year that saw 82 successful orbital launches. Here are photos of all of 2015’s space launches.

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2015 Space Launch Statistics

The year 2015 saw a total of 87 known orbital launch attempts operated by seven nations from space ports in eight countries.

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China closes 2015 Space Launch Year – Long March 3B lofts Gaofen-4 Earth Observation Satellite

A Chinese Long March 3B Rocket lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on Monday, lifting the Gaofen-4 satellite to have a watchful eye on Planet Earth, becoming China’s first remote sensing satellite operated from Geosynchronous Orbit.

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Proton Rocket soars into the Night Sky for classified Military Satellite Launch

A Proton-M rocket blasted off from Site 81/24 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Sunday at 0:19 UTC embarking on a classified mission to deliver the Garpun No. 2 military communications satellite to Geostationary Orbit in a mission lasting approximately nine hours.

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Sixth Long March 3B Launch in under three Months achieves good Orbit for ChinaSat-1C

Wednesday’s launch of China’s Long March 3B rocket reached its targeted Geostationary Transfer Orbit as evident in orbital data released by the Joint Space Operations Center, showing the ChinaSat-1C in a standard transfer orbit from where it will soon begin its climb into Geostationary Orbit.

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