Photos: PSLV Soars Off with Multi-Satellite Payload

India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle lifted off from the First Launch Pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Center at 3:59 UTC on January 12, 2018 with an assortment of 31 satellites from seven different countries.

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Photos: PSLV Rocket Assembly for Return to Flight Mission

India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is assembled for a January 2018 launch with a total of thirty satellites, amounting to a payload mass of 1,323 Kilograms headed into Sun Synchronous Orbit.

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Photos: PSLV C40 Payload Preparations

Three Indian satellites undergo final processing and checkouts for a January 2018 liftoff atop the country’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle alongside 28 international rideshare payloads.

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