Satellite Re-Entry witnessed from Northern United States

The NFIRE Near Field Infrared Experiment satellite of the Missile Defence Agency re-entered the atmosphere on Wednesday after eight and a half years in orbit to complete a demonstration mission of sensing equipment for the detection of thermal signatures of ascending ballistic missiles and the differentiation between the missile’s plume and the rocket itself.

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Debut Launch of Super Strypi Rocket fails during First Stage Flight

Conducting its premiere launch, a Super Strypi rocket streaked into the afternoon skies over the island of Kauai, Hawaii on Tuesday in a long-awaited demonstration mission. Shortly after the rocket’s liftoff its flight pattern became erratic as the spin-stabilized launch vehicle appeared to enter an uncontrollable swaying motion that increased in rate before video of the launch cut out.

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Atlas V’s successful Launch of GPS IIF-11 closes out busy Month at United Launch Alliance

The Atlas V workhorse rocket is three-for-three in October, successfully conducting its third mission of this calendar month on Saturday and setting a new record in the ever increasing pace of United Launch Alliance missions.

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Photos: Atlas V blasts off with GPS IIF-11 Satellite

An Atlas V rocket raced into the skies over Florida’s Space Coast on Saturday, lifting off at 16:13 UTC to begin a three-and-a-half-hour mission to deliver the GPS IIF-11 satellite to orbit in the continued modernization of the Global Positioning System Satellite Fleet.

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Video: Atlas V Launch with GPS IIF-11 Satellite

An Atlas V rocket raced into the skies over Florida’s Space Coast on Saturday, lifting off at 16:13 UTC to begin a three-and-a-half-hour mission to deliver the GPS IIF-11 satellite to orbit in the continued modernization of the Global Positioning System Satellite Fleet.

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Liftoff: Atlas V embarks on GPS Satellite Delivery Mission

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket lifted off from Florida’s Space Coast on Saturday, embarking on a long mission to deliver the GPS IIF-11 satellite to Medium Earth Orbit in support of the continued modernization of the Global Positioning System satellite fleet.

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Atlas V Launch with GPS IIF-11 delayed to Saturday

The launch of a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 401 rocket carrying the GPS IIF-11 satellite is being pushed back 24 hours to Saturday to provide additional time for a Ground Support Equipment issue to be addressed. Saturday’s launch window stretches from 16:13 to 16:32 UTC.

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Next GPS Satellite poised for Liftoff atop Atlas V on Friday

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket is standing tall atop its Florida launch pad for liftoff on Friday, aiming to become the third Atlas V to take flight this month – a new record for the Atlas V that can look back at 58 missions since its inauguration in 2002, but never managed to launch more than twice in a single calendar month.

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Photos: Atlas V blasts off with secret NRO Payload

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V Rocket climbed into the pre-dawn skies over the California coast line on Thursday, blasting off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 12:49 UTC on a mission to deliver the NROL-55 payload to orbit for the National Reconnaissance Office, accompanied by 13 CubeSats flying as secondary payloads.

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Video: Atlas V thunders off with classified National Reconnaissance Office Payload

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V Rocket climbed into the pre-dawn skies over the California coast line on Thursday, blasting off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 12:49 UTC on a mission to deliver the NROL-55 payload to orbit for the National Reconnaissance Office.

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Liftoff: Atlas V blasts off to lift classified NROL-55 + CubeSat Payloads to Orbit

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocker blazed into the pre-dawn skies over the Californian coast line on Thursday, lifting off from SLC-3E at Vandenberg Air Force Base at 12:49 UTC to begin a classified mission for the United States National Reconnaissance Office.

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Atlas V ready to lift classified NROL-55 Reconnaissance Satellite(s) to Orbit

An Atlas V 401 rocket stands ready for liftoff from Vandenberg Air Force Base on Thursday for the year’s only National Reconnaissance Office launch, lofting a classified payload into a secret orbit. Known as NROL-55, the mission aims for a liftoff time at 12:49 UTC – the opening of a launch window with an undisclosed duration.

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