Atlas V Powerhouse set for Liftoff Friday with heavy Navy Communications Satellite

After successfully launching a clandestine reconnaissance satellite atop the most powerful Delta IV rocket two weeks ago, United Launch Alliance rolled the most powerful Atlas V to its Cape Canaveral pad for liftoff on Friday with a heavy communications satellite for the U.S. Navy.

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Chinese Beidou Navigation Satellite takes Flight aboard Long March 3C Rocket

A Long March 3C rocket blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on Sunday in support of China’s existing Navigation Satellite Program, replenishing the Beidou-2 constellation to continue services until the follow-on system comes on line before the end of the decade.

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Photos: Delta IV Thunders off with heavy Intelligence-Gathering Satellite

A United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket gracefully climbed into the skies over Florida’s Space Coast on Saturday, embarking on a multi-hour mission to deliver a massive signals intelligence satellite to orbit for the U.S. Government.

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Delta IV Powerhouse blasts off with Largest Spy Satellite in the World

America’s most powerful rocket blazed into the skies over Florida on Saturday, lifting the classified NROL-37 satellite for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office to join a fleet of signals intelligence satellites eavesdropping on foreign territories.

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Video: Delta IV Heavy Rocket blasts off with Signals Intelligence Satellite

A United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket gracefully climbed into the skies over Florida’s Space Coast on Saturday, embarking on a multi-hour mission to deliver a massive signals intelligence satellite to orbit for the U.S. Government.

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Uncooperative Weather scrubs Delta IV Heavy Launch after extended Countdown

Thursday’s Delta IV launch attempt with the classified NROL-37 satellite was scrubbed after an extended countdown due to uncooperative weather conditions on Florida’s Space Coast, not providing a lucky gap in clouds teams had hoped for throughout the day.

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Soyuz Rocket blasts off with Glonass Navigation Satellite to replenish aging Constellation

Russia’s Soyuz workhorse rocket lifted off from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome at 8:44 UTC on Sunday, embarking on a three-and-a-half-hour mission to a 19,100-Kilometer orbit around Earth to deliver a Glonass-M navigation satellite, replenishing the aging constellation as part of standard upkeep and maintenance.

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