Video: Stunning Views of Soyuz Undocking & Departure

The Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft departed the International Space Station Saturday morning to begin a two-orbit free flight ahead of its deorbit burn and parachute assisted landing to return Yuri Malenchenko, Tim Kopra and Time Peake to Earth after a 186-day flight.

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International Crew Trio to set sail on Return Journey after Half-Year Space Mission

A trio of International Space Station crew members is setting sail on their return journey on Saturday, looking forward to an early afternoon landing in the steppe of Kazakhstan aboard their Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft.

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Fiery Re-Entry of Soyuz Booster puts on Spectacular Show over Newfoundland

The spent rocket stage that delivered a crew of three to orbit earlier in the week put on a spectacular show for observers in North America when slamming into Earth’s atmosphere and breaking apart in a bright fireball moving silently across the night sky.

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Balky Thruster responsible for Nail-Biting Manual Soyuz Docking at ISS

Tuesday’s arrival of the next crew members at the International Space Station had more excitement in store for the trio than expected when their Soyuz spacecraft suddenly backed out of its final approach to the orbiting laboratory and started backing away from its destination – requiring experienced Soyuz commander Yuri Malenchenko to manually dock the spacecraft.

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Video: Soyuz aborts Docking Attempt, Arrives at ISS under Manual Control

The Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft carrying Yuri Malenchenko, Tim Kopra and Tim Peake to the International Space Station made a smooth approach on Wednesday until its automated rendezvous system detected a problem and commanded the Soyuz to back away when just 20 meters from its destination. Experienced Soyuz commander Malenchenko assumed manual control and guided the 7,200-Kilogram craft back to a safe docking.

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Express Link-Up in Space culminates in Manual Docking – Three new Crew Members arrive at ISS

Three crew members arrived at the International Space Station on Tuesday, making a six-and-a-half-hour commute to their home in space after a spectacular liftoff atop a Soyuz rocket leading up to a hairy docking sequence that required a manual approach when a problem with the automatic guidance system of the Soyuz spacecraft emerged.

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Video: Soyuz Rocket Launches from Baikonur, carrying next Space Station Crew

A Soyuz FG rocket lifts off from Site 1/5 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome on December 15, 2015 – beginning a journey to bring Yuri Malenchenko, Tim Kopra and Tim Peake to orbit for a seven-month Space Station Mission.

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Soyuz Spacecraft reaches target Orbit for Fast-Track Rendezvous with Space Station

Soyuz TMA-19M and its three crew members, bound for a rendezvous with the International Space Station for a seven-month stay in space, got a smooth ride atop the Soyuz FG rocket – orbital data gathered after the crew’s arrival in orbit confirms.

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On the Fast Lane to the Space Station – Soyuz Trio safely in Orbit after flawless Launch

An international trio of crew members began a six-hour out-of-this-world commute on Tuesday, launching atop a Soyuz rocket to begin an express link-up with the International Space Station.

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Photos: Soyuz TMA-19M launches with three Space Station Residents

A Soyuz FG rocket lifts off from Site 1/5 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome on December 15, 2015 – beginning a journey to bring Yuri Malenchenko, Tim Kopra and Tim Peake to orbit for a seven-month Space Station Mission.

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Star-Filled Skies & a Colorful Sunrise – Soyuz Rocket rolls to Historic Baikonur Launch Site

A Soyuz rocket began its rollout to its historic Baikonur Launch Site under a star-filled sky Sunday morning, arriving at the launch pad at sunrise – marking the start of final preparations for the launch of three International Space Station Crew Members.

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