Progress Resupply Craft pulls into Port at ISS after flawless Rendezvous

Russia’s Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft completed a fully automated docking with the International Space Station Friday morning, marking the return of Russian resupply missions after the Progress MS-04 launch failure in December left an unusually long gap in the typically near-continuous presence of a Progress craft at ISS.

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World’s most-flown Rocket sails into Retirement after Four-Decade Career

Soyuz U – the world’s most-flown and longest-serving rocket – made its final blastoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Wednesday, capping a 44-year career by lifting the Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft into orbit on a resupply mission to the International Space Station.

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Videos: Soyuz U ascends into clear Morning Skies over Baikonur

Soyuz U – the world’s most-flown and longest-serving rocket – made its final blastoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Wednesday, capping a 44-year career by lifting the Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft into orbit on a resupply mission to the International Space Station.

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Final Soyuz U rolls to Baikonur Launch Pad to cap Four-Decade Career with ISS Logistics

Russia’s final Soyuz U rocket rolled to its historic Baikonur Launch Pad on Monday to end a career of over four decades with what is hoped to be a successful Return to Flight mission on Wednesday, lifting off with the Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft – the first Russian cargo delivery to ISS after December’s Soyuz U launch failure.

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