Rocket Lab’s Electron Rocket Aborts at Ignition

Rocket Lab’s Electron, set for its second test launch from New Zealand’s Mahia Peninsula, encountered a last-second ignition abort on Tuesday, shutting down its electric-pump-fed Rutherford engines just moments before liftoff when its computers detected an off-nominal parameter.

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Multi-Payload Soyuz Launch Captured by Satellites in Orbit, Pad-Side Cameras

The liftoff of Russia’s iconic Soyuz booster last week with 73 satellites was captured in unique ways from the ground and far above with satellites from the U.S. and Russia pointed at the rocket’s remote launch site in Kazakhstan to capture views before, during and after liftoff.

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Launch Success – Russia’s Soyuz Delivers 73 Satellites in Complex Multi-Orbit Mission

Russia’s Soyuz rocket thundered into clear skies over the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Friday, embarking on an all-day ascent mission with an impressive stack of 73 payloads

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Video: Soyuz Rocket Blasts Off on Multi-Orbit Cluster Mission

A Russian Soyuz 2-1A / Fregat-M launch vehicle lifted off from Site 31/6 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan at 6:36:49 UTC on July 14, 2017 on a lengthy ascent mission with 73 satellites.

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Soyuz Rocket reaches Baikonur Launch Pad for Friday Liftoff with 73 Satellites

A Russian Soyuz 2-1A rocket stands tall atop its Baikonur launch pad after a Tuesday morning rollout to set the stage for liftoff at 6:36 UTC on Friday with a total of 73 satellites ranging from 600 to 1 Kilogram

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Photos & Video: Soyuz Rocket rolls to Baikonur Launch Pad for Liftoff with Kanopus et al.

A Russian Soyuz 2-1A rocket with Fregat-M upper stage rolled out to Site 31/6 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on July 11, 2017 in preparation for liftoff with a total of 73 satellites

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