Russian-U.S.-Italian Crew Trio Arrives at ISS after Express Soyuz Rendezvous

A Russian Commander and Flight Engineers from the U.S. and Italy lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at sunset on Friday, riding a Soyuz FG rocket into orbit to embark on an express rendezvous with the International Space Station that took them to their orbital destination just over six hours after launch.

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Photos: Soyuz Rocket Rolls to Baikonur Launch Pad to send next ISS Crew to Orbit

Russia’s Soyuz FG rocket rolled out to the historic Site 1/5 launch pad at the Baikonur on Wednesday, July 26 – emerging from its MIK integration facility at the traditional early morning for a ride over to the storied launch pad

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Photos: Soyuz Payload Shroud Encapsulation

The Soyuz MS-05 spacecraft completed final pre-launch processing steps as engineers remove protective covers from the three sections of the spacecraft before rotating the 7,200-Kilogram vehicle to a horizontal position for encapsulation in the protective launch shroud.

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