NASA inks Agreement with Boeing for up to five Seats on Russian Soyuz Spacecraft

NASA quietly closed a deal with Boeing for up to five seats aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft to expand the U.S. Crew Complement aboard the International Space Station and gain additional margin in the agency’s Commercial Crew Program.

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Progress Resupply Craft pulls into Port at ISS after flawless Rendezvous

Russia’s Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft completed a fully automated docking with the International Space Station Friday morning, marking the return of Russian resupply missions after the Progress MS-04 launch failure in December left an unusually long gap in the typically near-continuous presence of a Progress craft at ISS.

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World’s most-flown Rocket sails into Retirement after Four-Decade Career

Soyuz U – the world’s most-flown and longest-serving rocket – made its final blastoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Wednesday, capping a 44-year career by lifting the Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft into orbit on a resupply mission to the International Space Station.

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Final Soyuz U rolls to Baikonur Launch Pad to cap Four-Decade Career with ISS Logistics

Russia’s final Soyuz U rocket rolled to its historic Baikonur Launch Pad on Monday to end a career of over four decades with what is hoped to be a successful Return to Flight mission on Wednesday, lifting off with the Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft – the first Russian cargo delivery to ISS after December’s Soyuz U launch failure.

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NASA considers ISS Crew Expansion in 2017/18, Looks into Options for Soyuz Seats in 2019

NASA is looking to temporarily increase the American crew contingent aboard the International Space Station from three to four as soon as September by purchasing seats on Russian Soyuz spacecraft given to Boeing in the dismantling of the failed Sea Launch endeavor.

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Fate of Russian Progress Cargo Ship unknown after suspected In-Flight Anomaly

The fate of Russia’s Progress MS-04 cargo spaceship is uncertain after an apparent in-flight anomaly occurred while the spacecraft was riding atop the third stage of its Soyuz U rocket following an on-time blastoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Thursday.

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Soyuz Rocket rolls out at Sunrise for Thursday Liftoff with ISS Resupply Craft

A Russian Soyuz U rocket topped with a Progress cargo resupply craft was moved to its Launch Pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the early hours on Tuesday to enter final preparations for a Thursday liftoff on a two-day chase of the International Space Station to keep up a steady supply of cargo for the six crew members in orbit.

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Flawless Sunday Morning Landing caps 115-Day International Space Station Mission

Temperatures were barely above freezing Sunday morning when a Soyuz space capsule parachuted to a safe landing in South Central Kazakhstan, returning with a crew from Russia, Japan and the U.S. after circling the Earth 1,840 times in a busy mission to the International Space Station.

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International Crew Trio to Return to Earth Saturday Night aboard Soyuz Craft

An international crew trio from Russia, Japan and the U.S. is ready to undock from the International Space Station aboard their Soyuz MS-01 spacecraft to put an end to a 115-day space flight with a parachute-and-rocket-assisted landing in South-Central Kazakhstan Sunday morning.

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Fresh Cargo for Six-Person ISS Crew, Progress MS-02 completes flawless Docking

The International Space Station received a fresh batch of supplies on Saturday when the Progress MS-02 spacecraft made a successful docking to the Station’s aft docking port, arriving for a stay of six and a half months and bringing with it 2,425 Kilograms of fuel, water and supplies for ISS and its six resident crew members.

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Video: Progress Cargo Ship lifts off on Soyuz Rocket

The Progress MS-02 cargo spacecraft was successfully launched on Thursday, riding into orbit atop a Soyuz 2-1A rocket lifting off from Site 31/6 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Sent on its way in an excellent orbit, Progress is planned to complete a two-day rendezvous with the Space Station to deliver 2,425 Kilograms of cargo.

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Yearlong Space Mission to Wrap Up with Soyuz Landing Tuesday Night

Three International Space Station crew members are on the eve of their return to Earth aboard the Soyuz TMA-18M spacecraft, aiming for a parachute-assisted landing in the snow-covered steppe of Kazakhstan Tuesday night.

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