july, 2018

01jul00:00Zenit • Lybid'

Event Details

Launch Date: Second Half 2018
Launch Window: TBA
Launch Vehicle: Zenit-3SLBF / Fregat-SB
Launch Operator: S7 (?)
Launch Site: Site 45/1, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan
Payload: Lybid 1 (1,845kg)
Satellite Operator: Ukrkosmos


A Russian-Ukrainian Zenit rocket will launch the Lybid’ communications satellite for Ukrainian satellite operator Ukrkosmos – a launch originally planned for 2015 but delayed due to the conflict between Russian and the Ukraine over the annexation of Crimea. With Zenit’s revival scheduled for the second half of 2017, the Lybid mission was given a tentative launch date of January 2018 and the satellite was pulled from storage to undergo testing before shipment to the launch site. Lybid is based on the Ekspress-1000NT satellite platform built by ISS Reshetnev and hosts a payload of 20 (+4) Ku-Band transponders built by MDA.


Mission Resources:

? Launch Vehicle Overview: Zenit-3SLBF

Launch Weather

? Launch Site Schedule


(Sunday) 00:00 UTC


Baikonur Site 45/1

Baikonur Cosmodrome