october, 2018

11oct08:40Soyuz FG • Soyuz MS-10Crewed Expedition Flight to ISS

Event Details

Launch Date: October 11, 2018
Launch Window: 08:40 UTC
Launch Vehicle: Soyuz FG
Launch Operator: Roscosmos
Launch Site: Site 1/5, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan
Payload: Soyuz MS-10 (No. 740)
Spacecraft Manufacturer: RSC Energia
Crew: Aleksey Ovchinin (Roscosmos, CDR)
Nikolai Tikhonov (Roscosmos, FE-1)
Nick Hague (NASA, FE-2)


A Russian Soyuz FG rocket will launch the crewed Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft into orbit for a same-day rendezvous with the International Space Station to bring the Expedition 57/58 crew to their orbital home and workplace for a half-year mission. Russia’s trusted Soyuz FG rocket will operate for nine minutes to deliver the spacecraft into a 200-Kilometer orbit from where it will maneuver up into the Station’s orbit of 400 Kilometers for a fully automated link-up. The 7,200-Kilogram Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft will remain docked to the Poisk Module throughout the crew’s stay on ISS to act as life boat and return them to Earth at the end of their flight via parachute-assisted landing in Kazakhstan.


Mission Resources:

? Launch Vehicle Overview: Soyuz FG

? Payload Overview: Soyuz MS Series

? International Space Station Section

Countdown Timeline

Launch Weather

? Launch Site Schedule


(Thursday) 08:40 UTC


Baikonur Site 1/5

Baikonur Cosmodrome