India’s PSLV set for IRNSS Navigation Satellite Replacement Launch to Mitigate Clock Issues

The Indian Space Research Organization is counting down to the launch of a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle on Thursday with a revamped IRNSS navigation satellite set to provide critical replacement capacity to begin dealing with a systemic clock issue that is affecting India’s first IRNSS generation.

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Ariane 5 successfully lifts two Telecommunications Satellites for three Operators

Hauling two heavy satellites into orbit, Europe’s Ariane 5 rocket checked off its fourth successful flight of the year on Wednesday, the 80th success in a row for the workhorse launcher in a streak that has been going since 2002.

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Stunning Photos of fourth Ariane 5 Liftoff in 2017

Europe’s Ariane 5 rocket blasted off from the ELA-3 launch pad at the Guiana Space Center at 21:15 UTC on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 on its fourth heavy-lift mission of the year, carrying a pair of communications satellites

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Video: Ariane 5 VA238 Launch

Europe’s Ariane 5 rocket blasted off from the ELA-3 launch pad at the Guiana Space Center at 21:15 UTC on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 on its fourth heavy-lift mission of the year, carrying a pair of communications satellites to Geostationary Transfer Orbit.

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Ariane 5 Rocket set for Heavy Haul with two Communications Satellites

Europe’s Ariane 5 rocket stands ready for liftoff from South America on Wednesday on another heavy haul into Geostationary Transfer Orbit with a pair of satellites for India and commercial operators Inmarsat and Hellas Sat.

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India’s PSLV Soars to Orbit with 31 Satellites, performs In-Space Testing for Future Capabilities

India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle lifted off from an island spaceport on the country’s east coast Friday morning, quickly climbing into clear skies before navigating around the Island of Sri Lanka in a pre-programmed maneuver and then heading south over the Indian Ocean to drop an international assortment of 31 satellites off in orbit

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Photos: 40th PSLV blasts off with 31 Satellites for India & International Customers

India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle lifted off from the First Launch Pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Center on the country’s east coast at 3:59 UTC, 9:29 a.m. local time on Friday on a mission to deliver 31 satellites for 15 countries into a Sun Synchronous Orbit

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Video: India’s PSLV dispatches International Group of Satellites

India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle lifted off from the First Launch Pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Center on the country’s east coast at 3:59 UTC, 9:29 a.m. local time on Friday on a mission to deliver 31 satellites for 15 countries into a Sun Synchronous Orbit

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Indian PSLV ready for Friday Morning Liftoff with CartoSat-2E & International Rideshare Passengers

India’s PSLV Rocket has entered countdown operations for liftoff from the Satish Dhawan Space Center on Friday with the CartoSat-2E Earth-Imaging Satellite and an international rideshare opportunity for thirty secondary payloads of various shapes and sizes in support of Earth observation, technology demonstration, communications and meteorology.

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India’s Most-Powerful Rocket Successfully Reaches Orbit

India took another major step in the country’s space program on Monday, successfully demonstrating an all-up orbital mission with their new Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III heavy-lifter that is envisioned to end Indian reliance on foreign launches vehicles.

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India’s ‘Gift to Neighbors’ Roars to Orbit atop GSLV Rocket in Unusually Secretive Launch

India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle blasted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center on Friday on a mission to deliver the GSAT-9 satellite to orbit to eventually deliver TV and navigation augmentation services to India and other South Asian countries.

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