Single-Booster Atlas V Fires into the Night with Final Building Block of U.S. Missile Warning System

The final building block in a critical global missile warning system operated by the Pentagon took flight on Friday atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket blasting off into the night over Florida’s Cape Canaveral.

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Photos: Atlas V Rocket Rolls Out with Fourth SBIRS Early Warning Satellite

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket rolled to its launch pad at SLC-41, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on January 17, 2018 in preparation for the rocket’s year-opening mission with the SBIRS GEO-4 missile early warning satellite

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Photos: SBIRS GEO-4 Encapsulation & Installation atop Atlas V Rocket

The SBIRS GEO-4 satellite undergoes encapsulation in the protective Atlas V payload fairing before going for a nighttime ride from its processing facility to Cape Canaveral’s Space Launch Complex 41 where it was hoisted atop the integrated Atlas V rocket for final testing activities.

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Photos: SBIRS GEO-4 Final Testing

The Lockheed Martin-built SBIRS GEO-4 satellite undergoes final testing activities ahead of a January 2018 launch atop an Atlas V rocket to complete the baseline four-satellite GEO constellation operating alongside hosted sensor packages in elliptical orbits to provide global missile-tracking capabilities.

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Photos & Video: SBIRS GEO-4 Delivered to Launch Site

The SBIRS GEO-4 (SV-3) satellite arrived at Cape Canaveral on October 31st, 2017 to enter final preparations for liftoff atop an Atlas V rocket to complete the baseline four-satellite SBIRS GEO constellation providing global coverage for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and smaller missile launches on a regional scale.

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