Falcon 9 - Iridium Flight 5
Iridium-5 Payload Fairing - Photo: SpaceX

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket is set for liftoff from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base just after sunrise on March 30, 2018 to take the fifth set of Iridium-NEXT satellites into orbit. The launch, employing a flight-proven booster, will bring the Iridium-NEXT deployment to the 66% mark with 50 of 75 satellites in orbit. Soaring almost due south from California, Falcon 9 will expend its first stage and complete a two-burn mission of the second stage to lift the ten satellites into a 625-Kilometer orbit.

Iridium-5 is the second mission for Iridium employing a flight-proven first stage, featuring Falcon 9 Booster 1041 that lifted the Iridium-3 satellites into orbit in October 2017.

Live Video by SpaceX 

Launch Date: March 30, 2018Launch Updates
Time: 14:13:51 UTCIridium-NEXT Overview
Launch Site: SLC-4E, VandenbergFalcon 9 FT
Launch Vehicle: Falcon 9 FTCountdown Timeline
Payload: 10 Iridium-NEXT (860kg each)Launch Profile
Ascent Duration: 72 MinutesSpaceX Archive
Target Orbit: 615 x 625 km, 86.66°