ISS Robots position International Docking Adapter for Friday Installation Spacewalk

The International Space Station’s robotic duo was in action throughout Wednesday night and on Thursday to pre-position an critical docking adapter to be installed during a spacewalk on Friday to give ISS a new parking spot to be utilized by Commercial Crew vehicles to dock at the orbiting outpost.

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Cosmonaut Duo set to move external ISS Experiment Hardware in busy Spacewalk

Two veteran Cosmonauts are set for a busy spacewalk outside the hatches of the International Space Station on Wednesday to complete a series of tasks related to the removal and installation of different scientific experiments on the Russian Segment of the orbiting laboratory as well as other reconfigurations on the exterior of ISS.

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Astronauts Repair ISS Power System – Spacewalk ends early after Space Suit Water Intrusion

Astronauts Tim Kopra and Tim Peake ventured outside the hatches of the International Space Station on Friday to embark on a spacewalk dedicated to the restoration of the Station’s Electrical Power System by replacing a failed voltage regulator.

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Photos: Tim Peake & Tim Kopra’s ISS Spacewalk

NASA’s Tim Kopra and ESA’s Tim Peake ventured outside the hatches of the International Space Station on Friday, successfully replacing a failed voltage regulator on the Station’s truss structure to restore the Station’s power system at full functionality after the failure of the component in November.

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Stuck ISS Robotic Transporter freed up by Spacewalking Duo

Two Space Station Crew Members ventured outside the hatches of the International Space Station on Monday in an EVA organized on very short notice to recover from an undesired situation involving the Station’s Mobile Transporter that had gotten stuck in between work sites on the central truss of ISS.

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Space Station Crew prepares for Urgent Spacewalk to recover ISS Robotics System

An unscheduled spacewalk is being prepared by International Space Station Crew Members Scott Kelly and Tim Kopra with great urgency aboard the orbiting laboratory to be ready to head outside as early as Monday to recover the Space Station’s Mobile Transporter that got stuck in a position between work sites Wednesday night.

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