Re-Entry: Antares Upper Stage

Castor 30 - Photo: Orbital ATK
Castor 30 – Photo: Orbital ATK

The Castor 30XL Upper Stage of the second mission of the Antares 230 launch vehicle re-entered the atmosphere on November 25, 2017 after only 13 days in orbit following the successful launch of the Cygnus OA-8 cargo craft to resupply the International Space Station. It was the second Castor 30XL solid-fueled upper stage to reach orbit and delivered a flawless performance during flight, actually sending Cygnus into a slightly higher orbit than predicted, repeating the slight overperformance from its first mission.

NORAD ID: 43007
Origin: USA
Object: Antares R/B
Type: Castor 30XL Upper Stage
Mass: ~2,100kg
Launched: November 12, 2017 – 12:19 UTC
Launch Vehicle: Antares 230
Launch Site: Pad 0A, MARS; Wallops Flight Facility

Initial Orbit: 200 x 328 km, 51.63°

Re-Entry Prediction: November 25, 2016 – 05:49 UTC +/-1 Min.
Re-Entry Zone: Canada

Re-Entry Zone
Image: Spaceflight101/Orbitron