Re-Entry: Long March 2F Rocket Stage from Tiangong-2 Launch

Photo: Xinhua
Photo: Xinhua

The second stage of a Chinese-2F rocket re-entered the atmosphere on September 29, 2016 after launching the Tiangong-2 Space Laboratory into orbit. Successfully dropping the 8,600-Kilogram spacecraft off in an orbit of 197 x 333 Kilometers, the rocket stage slowly descended towards the dense layers of the atmosphere, ultimately re-entering and burning up to a large extent.

NORAD ID: 41766
Origin: China
Object: CZ-2F R/B
Type: Long March 2F Second Stage
Mass: 5,500kg
Launched: September 15, 2016 – 14:04 UTC
Launch Vehicle: Long March 2F
Launch Site: Jiuquan, China

Initial Orbit: 197 x 333 km, 42.8°

Re-Entry Prediction: September 29, 2016 – 19:01 UTC +/-17 Min.

Re-Entry Zone: Pacific Ocean, North America

Re-Entry Orbit
Image: Spaceflight101/Orbitron
Image: Spaceflight101/Orbitron