Progress MS-04 Cargo Manifest

Item Mass
Total Cargo Upmass 2,442kg
Refueling Propellant for Transfer to ISS Tanks 710kg
Pressurized Oxygen for ISS Repressurization 52kg
Water inside Rodnik Tank 420kg
Total Dry Cargo Mass 1,260kg
Atmospheric Maintenance System (Absorbers, Gas Analyzers, Replaceable Parts for Atmospheric Maintenance Syste, etc.) 67kg
Water System Components (Membrane Filters, Purification Columns, Water Tank, Replaceable Parts, etc.) 253kg
Sanitary Equipment (Russian Toilet Replaceable Parts, solid waste containers, water tanks.) 83kg
Medical Supplies (medical aid kits, medical monitoring system, crew clothing, cleaning supplies, countermeasures, etc.) 115kg
Food Provisions (food containers, fresh food, etc.) 315kg
Thermal Control System Hardware 32kg
Electrical Power System (Cable Bundle) 6kg
Power Control Hardware (Power Switching Units) 3kg
Spacewalking Equipment (first Orlan-MKS Space Suit to Fly to ISS) 98kg
Sensor Equipment (Cable Harness) 1kg
Communications System (Headset) 1kg
Maintenance supplies (cargo bags, liners, batteries, tools, etc.) 16kg
Crew Support (flight data files,care packages for the crew, video & still cameras, etc.) 25kg
Science Payloads (Pilot-T, Konstanta-2, Flower-2, Aseptik, Probiovit, Coulomb-Crystal) 18kg
Mini Research Module 1 Hardware 140kg
American Cargo (Food Provisions, ECLSS Hardware, Water Recovery System components) 87kg