Sentinel-3B Land & Ocean-Sensing Satellite Delivered to Orbit by Russian Rockot Booster

Europe’s Copernicus Earth Observation Constellation welcomed its seventh member on Wednesday after the Sentinel-3B ocean- and land-sensing satellite received a smooth ride to orbit atop a Russian ballistic-missile-turned-space-launcher.

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Sentinel-5P Atmospheric Monitoring Satellite Rides into Orbit atop Converted Ballistic Missile

A Russian ICBM-turned-space-launch-vehicle lifted off from a remote Cosmodrome north of Moscow on Friday, boosting into orbit a satellite joining the world’s largest environmental monitoring constellation.

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Sentinel-2B enjoys smooth Orbital Delivery atop Vega Rocket to join Europe’s Copernicus Fleet

Vega – the smallest in Europe’s line of launch vehicle – lit up the night skies over the edge of the Amazon on Monday, thundering off to lift the newest member in the Copernicus constellation to orbit, taking the pulse of an ever-changing planet with a series of active observation posts circling the Earth.

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Soyuz lifts Sentinel-1B Radar Satellite to Orbit, Fregat Stage completes long Multi-Orbit Flight

A Russian-built Soyuz rocket topped by a Fregat Upper Stage lifted off from French Guiana on Monday on a long mission to deliver Europe’s Sentinel-1B environmental monitoring satellite, the French MicroSCOPE fundamental physics experiment satellite, and three small CubeSats from European universities into custom orbits .

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Sentinel-3A Earth Observation Satellite rides into Orbit atop Russian Rockot Booster

A Rockot launch vehicle rumbled into the night sky over Russia on Tuesday, lifting into orbit Europe’s Sentinel-3A satellite, joining the Copernicus Earth Observation Program as the constellation’s most heavily instrumented satellite launched to date.

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